Each and every day I receive lots of emails related to the guest post, Are you accept the guest post or not? We are very much eager to share our article on your technology website Tech Info World… I am really great happy to receive that message’s from visitors.
The answer to the question is “Yes, we accept guest post.”
What is Guest Post?
Guest Post means writing a quality article and publish it on some others blogs or websites. Its one of the best way to connect your new readers to shine your name to comes out…
What kind of topics and articles do we accept ?
- Article content must be very useful to the readers, we accept all the content useful for the visitors.
- The topic must be related to technology, technical tips, WordPress, How to Tutorials…etc for more topics visit category section in our website.
- The article must be in a fresh content, copied the content from any other blog or website will not be allowed.
- “Content is the king“, we prefer high-quality article with a nice topic.
- We prefer most wonderful topics are WordPress, blogging, SEO, latest technology news, SEO tools, How to Tutorials, WordPress themes, plugins…
General Guidelines :
- Your content must be in original and must have never been published on any other websites, blogs.
- Write a post with useful content.
- You must agree to not publish the post anywhere else on the internet.
- Please ensure that your post doesn’t violate any copyright laws.
- If your post doesn’t follow the guidelines means your post will be rejected.
Formatting Guidelines :
- Your post must have an introduction part that attracts the readers to makes reading further content in your article
- You must use at least one <h2> </h2> tag, use headings, subheadings, bold the important keywords, and also use the bullet list to make easier to read the content.
- You must have included the conclusion at the end of the post.
- The post must have at least 700-1200 words it’s very important. More than 1200 words also no problem.
- You must add at least one image related to your post title.
- You must have links to at least 2 posts already published on Tech Info World.
- Your post title must contain approximately 40 characters.
- “Title is the king of the post“, provide the best killer title for your post.
- At the end of the article, If you like to share your bio info, add your details it must be in 40 words don’t exceed more.
Dofollow Link For LifeLong :
One do follow for life long 30$ . Please make sure if the topic is suitable we accept it.
If you need your article as homepage featured post means, it will cost.
One month for featured post cost : 60$
Submission Guidelines :
- Please send an email to the Admin as well as editor: techinfoworld7@gmail.com.
- Send the post article in the format of .doc or .pdf,
- If your post includes images, please send them as an attachment.
- Add small introduction about yourself in the mail.
- Don’t include the affiliate links in the post, if you do this means its violate our terms and conditions of our website.
- We don’t accept casino, games links.
A process of accepting posts:
Once we receive your article through email, Our editor team will be check if the post content must follow the proper guidelines and also check the grammar, punctuation…etc, It will take little bit time to finish the process.
Once we completed all the checking progress if the post is 100% follow and great article means share it on our website and share the post link to your email. Mostly we accept all the post because we like to give a great opportunity to all.
If your post doesn’t follow the guidelines, you may not receive a response from us. Your post will be automatically rejected.
Would you like to write an article for Tech Info World? Send an email to techinfoworld7@gmail.com or Contact Us with your wonderful suggested topic and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Important Note: A guest poster cannot republish their guest post elsewhere, once we published in our tech info world website, All the posts will be copyrighted and also protected by DMCA